Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Flood numero cuatro

Again, let the pictures speak for themselves:

Yes, it was raw sewage. Yes, I got to discover it, AGAIN!! Yes, we're living at Alecia's.
It's been another awesome adventure in the life of a Spillers.
(How did I do this time Aimee?)


stacibee said...

Oh my word Andree! How does this keep happening?!? You're moving soon, right?

Jan said...

Oh. My Gosh. Holy cow. You must just be about DONE.

Mikale said...

um... my exact words were taken by my sister... but really, how does it keep happening???

Ashley said...

what a mess! sorry about all the floods! happy you guys are moving to vegas where the possibility of a flood is zero to none.

Aimee said...

I would suggest to quit flushing shiznit down the toilet. Excellent work by the way. I'm so proud.

ALF said...

Wow. That totally does not look like fun. Hopefully Vegas will be flood free!