Saturday, November 15, 2008

Nothing too new...

So, it's been awhile since I've written. I have been busy. It's obvious to me that others are busy as well, seeing how nobody made a peep about me not writing for a long time, this time. Anywho, nothing has really happened worth writing about.
Um, let's see. Our Loss Prevention guy got fired yesterday. That was exciting. Today a cashier poured her lemonade on the register and fried the keyboard. We don't allow drinks up at the front anymore. Oh, I know, there's a girl at work that has challenged me to a one-on-one game. I started running and lifting again. I don't lose. We talk a lot of smack.
Chris and I slept upside down in our bed last night. His idea. He has wanted to for awhile. I gave in.
We had the missionaries over for dinner a few nights ago. All I can say is that they helped us realize what freaks we are. We served LOW acid OJ, salt FREE ketchup, and sugar FREE syrup. They kept laughing and saying, "oh, how ironic," "what an oxymoron!" Yes. If you come to our house, don't expect gourmet food, but please be prepared for the unexpected! Who knows, maybe we'll serve you ice FREE ice-cream.
I remember something. Last week, Tivo had a blow out in his kennel. I came home from work, opened the door, and stepped inside. This is when my nose retreated into my nasal cavity to escape the putrid stench. It took everything in me to drag that stupid cage outside to the back porch. I was gagging like crazy. I promptly locked Tivo in the room and left. I could finally breathe again!!! That was NAAAAASSSS-T
Anyway, I guess that's it for now. I'll try to make things a little more exciting around me so I can write something worth reading. Thanks for wasting your time!!!


Anonymous said...

Go see Madagascar....speaking of freaks. I love how the lemur (?) calls the city animals FREAKS! The blowout is just disgusting. I can smell it from here!

Jan said...

I'm still laughing at the missionaries and dinner -- for me, I'm just plain thrilled when someone else fixes dinner!

Aimee said...

I noticed you didn't write but I didn't want you to know I was a blogstalker. And you text me all the time saying how much you miss me so at least I know how you're doing. When the missionaries come to our place we corupt them by putting the game on in the background serving them coke and asking what kind of music they liked and surreptiously putting it on for them.

Ashley said...

your life is so funny, andree! lemondade, sleeping upside down, silly food, tivo!! love it!

Mikale said...

I know exactly what you mean... i haven't blogged in forever cuz i just feel like my life is so typical... good to see you back on :) Been thinking about you LOTS lately, i need to call soon.

Megan Alicia said...

does that mean that the position we once dreamed of is still open: in house chef? how do i submit my resume?
ps i LOVE low acid oj!