Thursday, October 23, 2008

Weekend with the Stokers

We had some visitors last weekend. In fact, we had 5 visitors. We had two canines and three homosapiens. That made us even-steven. Four and four (well, for most of the time-Boy took off to San Diego for a physical by a Naval Officer).
Anyway, it was a very exciting weekend to say the least. We compiled 9.5 lbs of poop, I did 30 loads of laundry, and we had four very tired pooches.
Day 1 I was sick so I called in. Day 1 also included a leisure hike up Red Rock. I wanted to show off our beautiful "backyard." This turned out to be a DISASTER!! Tivo and I are pro, so naturally we did very well. I forgot to take into account a 9 year old girl, 3 primpy dogs (2 Maltese and a chihuahua), and a woman with a bad back and bad knee, who had to carried the dogs and water for her daughter. After 23 stickers in random paws, 45min of whining, and blood pouring from a leg, it was time to leave the desolate wasteland we were "hiking," turn around and head back to the car. Finally, we reached the end, or car. We all got some water and everybody was satisfied.
After grabbing some food, we went over to the pool (the dogs were all tucked away in their kennels). The water was too cold to swim in (or so Alecia said), so naturally, I jumped in with Alyiah in my clothes, for I couldn't find my swimsuit that was hanging on the back of the door in my bathroom. I got my looking skills from Chris!! hehehehe

Alrighty, later that night the three of us went to the strip. Well, before we hit up the strip we went out to DI and found me a wicked awesome costume that I wore to Cashier Olympics last Sunday. I will post pictures soon. Anyway, we walked around the strip and then saw three water shows at the Belagio. It was awesome. We had a blast. That night, Alecia and I stayed up giggling about nothing until the wee hours.
Day 2 I woke up after 3 hours of sleep and went to work at 5:45am. Alecia has a thing for Popeye's chicken, so we went and ate there, obviously. We spent a little more time at the pool. Chris finally got home from SD and we hit up downtown (the "REAL" strip, according to Alyiah!). We watched 3 amazing shows on the...well, let's has explain it "In Short,Tourists and families stroll under a 90-foot-high, four-block-long electronic canopy that flashes colorful graphics and animations. Dubbed Viva Vision, the world's largest LED screen is paired with a 550,000-watt sound system to show specially produced shows played every night at dusk." We all loved it. We also went shopping in all of the souvenir shops. Oh, and this blog would not be complete if I failed to mention the doughnut excursions. It really became a HUGE deal, when it simply started out as a comment, "Oh, I love Dunkin Doughnuts." After searching for one the first night and not finding it, I have to convince Alecia that I wasn't driving her out to the middle of nowhere to kill her. The second night, we discovered there was one on Freemont Street in a casino. They had crappy one's left, so we tried a new spot. We went to the one by our house (we had looked it up) only to find that they were closed...CLOSED!!! Ok, so we took a little adventure down to Rainbow and found the stinkin place. The two employees were smoking outside and ran in to take our order. It was comical. We ended up getting a dozen. Yum.
Day 3 we went to church. Wait, wait, wait, Boy woke up early and made all of us a smashing breakfast. We had pancakes and hash browns and eggs. It was delicious. It was very thoughtful of him. Thank you Boy!!!! Ok, so we went to church. When we came home, Alecia helped me put primer on my chairs so I can start painting them.
The traveling circus left Sunday afternoon and we were all very sad to watch them go. Alecia found cheap gas. That set her drive off to an amazing start


Anonymous said...

I don't want to hear any more complaining about Vegas. You are having WAY more fun than most of us entangled in this rat race we call life!

Aimee said...

you sound like an excellent host. who wouldn't want to come visit you? who beside me that is :) i did find a grammatical error or two teach

Anonymous said...

What happened to, "WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS STAYS IN VEGAS???" Actually it was a blast and ya'll are so much fun. Thanks for the great time!