Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sun Soaked

After spending the day pulling weeds (seriously, it was like 5 hours), Chris and I decided to have ourselves a little bar-b-que. We cooked up some sirloin and a garden-burger, for me of course. Don't worry, I tried some of Chris's "first-time steak." It wasn't bad at all. He did a very good job considering this was his first time using one of those do-hickeys!! Tivo also got a whole steak to himself. What a spoiled little guy he is.
Oh, the picture above, you know, the one where I look like i'm 20 pounds heaver, it's cuz I was in the sun. The sun makes my face bloat. I HATE it. You would think that i'd remember not to take pictures after being in the sun all day, but alas, I don't. Now I have a trillion pictures that i'm sure you will be able to put in place of (the very distant) future pictures when I'm fat and bloated due to pregnancy. Nice...doesn't that sound scrumptious. Hahahaha.....
Tomorrow, after I work, we're gonna fire up the grill again. We invited a few people over who don't have moms around. We'll all enjoy mothers day, mother-less. We will drink sparkling cider in honor of the brave souls who birthed and raised us. Thanks mom!!


Ashley said...

Yummy! That bbq looks so good! And so do you guys. And, no, you don't look 20 lbs. heavier, Andree!

Ashley said...

Oh, and I have a new blog address if you want to change your link of my blog. Sorry about the inconvenience. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Looks good Christopher.

Proud to be a mother!

ALF said...

You two are so cute.

Your parents and sisters finally came to our house last night - I was so excited! Next you will have to come over.

Jan said...

Yay for BBQing -- looks yummy!

Megan Alicia said...

looks like a blast! I see tivo has moved up to the raw meat diet! i bet he loves it!