Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Catch Up

Well, it's been a while since I've posted. I haven't had the internet (and time) recently, but let me catch you up. Chris and I drove back to Reno last Friday after a fun filled day at Marine World on Thursday. Our first stop in Utah was the Olsen's. We had to use the restroom. Nikki and Laurie were at our house while we were driving helping pack our kitchen. It was awesome. Amanda also came over to help pack--and give us a break. We went to Chili's and had my brother serve us. It was awesome.

Later that night, we ended up at Alecia's again (much thanks to her!) and had ice cream. The next morning it took me a while to get going. Chris had his CPR class and I watch a little of the Olympics with Alecia. Nikki was a little concerned, so she roped Alecia into coming over and helping us pack for awhile. Again, Amanda, the fabulous friend that she is, came over and helped us continue packing. Around 1, we had some helpers from our ward move all the stuff into our 27 ft. truck. It was huge. We filled just about all of it. We're pathetic (I have taken Alecia's advice and gotten rid of things as we unpack!). Saturday night, I stayed up watching some funky Olympic "sports" with Alecia. We were dying. Have you ever watched the very intense game of Olympics Badminton? Or perhaps Race Walking? Or Super Heavy Weight Women's Clean and Jerk? Oh've missed out!! We were DYING...
Anyway, Sunday we woke up and headed out of town. Coleman and Chris switched off between the humongo truck and the non air-conditioned Honda. Now, it wouldn't be a true Spillers fate if I didn't tell you we had a fun little adventure. As I was driving through St. George I heard a thump thump.

I was on the phone with Chris, "I just blew a tire."

"You what? Just blew a tire."

"My tire is flat..."

"What? you're tire went flat?"

"Yes! Stop it, I blew a tire, I have to call you back!"

Coleman and I stopped on the side of the road waiting for AAA. I finally convinced Boy to go ahead, seeing how we were racing the clock. We had to get to Vegas before the apartment office closed. Anyway, Coleman and I waited for 35min. Finally, the guys came to take off the tire. Coleman was a little antsy, seeing how he could do it for me and it would be faster. So, they AAA show up, but before they can take to tire off, they have to fix their jack, for 5 freaking minutes. Finally, they put the spare on and 45minutes later, we're off. During their little escapade, I called 8 different tire places, none of which were open because it was Sunday, in St. George. I finally got a hold of Costco. We drove to Costco and spent $220 and 1.5hrs outside, with Tivo, in 100* weather waiting for the stupid tires to be put on. Coleman went inside for a bit and got us some ice cream. After one of the longest wait times in my life, we hit the road. We made it to Vegas and helped Boy finish unload the truck.
We've been here a few days now. It gets freaking hot. We finally have A/C, electricity, and hot water. Internet should be arriving in a few days. Life is good. We found a dog park a few blocks away. Tivo has made a few new friends. It's a great way for him to get some energy out. I found a Great Harvest not far away. There's also a Target and Smiths right up the street. We also found a Dip N' Dots STORE!!! Can you believe it? A freaking fabulous is that?


Anonymous said...

Holy cow what an experience. Hey, at least your new apt. has sunlight and fresh air. Did you send a thank you to Coleman?

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you on the awesome Olympics we watch for our "last night for a sleep over". I don't think I have laughed so hard for a very long time! Good Times my friend! I'm glad to see that you actually cooked the corn and ate it! Glad to hear your getting rid of some stuff, wow I hate to see what you get in 4 years down there and then have to move, DON'T call me (I'm not that good of a friend ;-} luv ya'll! Good Luck on Monday Chris for you first day of Dental school. I hope Andree fixes you a sack lunch with a sweet love note to send you hugs and kisses!