Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Not so much

Why hello again!! Nothing too exciting has happened recently...not such a good introduction to a new post, is it? Doesn't really CATCH you and make you want to keep reading, huh? Well, sorry...that's been life recently. Chris and I both spoke last Sunday. It went pretty well. Oh, i don't think I have told most of you, but we're the 12-14 year old Sunday school teachers. The kids are pretty great. They act like they don't like you, but then they leave and say thanks, showing that they're just teenagers! We give them candy when they bring their scriptures...yes, bribery works. Haha.
Well, I'm pretty much sick of working at Einstein's. There's way too much drama and someone is doing drugs (well, besides the high schoolers that do pot). A co-worker found a rolled up dollar bill with white powder residue. Yadda yadda...Natalie and Constance's new favorite thing to say is "Everybody gets paid too much to complain around here!!" yet they don't do much themselves. They gossip about everybody, but won't confront anyone with problems. Way to be in charge!!!
Anyway, like I said, not too much happening. Oh yes, we went to Planned Parenthood yesterday, with all of the delinquent teenagers in Utah Valley. What an experience, BUT I did get new pills that won't make me crazy, hopefully!
Ok, well, I hope to hear from you all soon. We miss you and can't wait to see you...

1 comment:

Jan said...

I love reading your updates. Life at Einstein's sounds way exciting -(not!). I love it that you guys are teaching the teenager's SS class -- I know they love you.